Friday, March 27, 2009

Milan Design Week 09 Preview: Prickly Chairs by Valentina Gonzalez Wohlers at Designersblock

Article link: Milan Design Week 09 Preview: Prickly Chairs by Valentina Gonzalez Wohlers at Designersblock

This article is about "prickly pair chairs" which were designed by Valentina Gonzalez Wohlers. The article had this to say about the chairs:

The chairs juxtapose Mexican and European aesthetic values, incorporating the formal design elements and quirks of both to create a cultural blend. They are frivolous and humorous yet simultaneously encourage reflection and acceptance.

I think they look fabulous! It's a really great concept, and they have a great pop-ish feel to them, with the green and pink so bright and colorful. The only thing I'm iffy about is the "hair" on the chairs. Eek!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Article link: Imminent

This article is asks and answers the question "what signals indicate that your success is imminent?" Seth writes that, "The brilliant venture capitalists are the guys who invest their money months or years before everyone else realizes how imminent the success is. They have better radar than the rest of us."

I wonder how venture capitalists get that skill and if they can somehow teach others, because it seems really useful in the professional world.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Milan Design Week 09 Preview: Erik Griffioen at Designersblock and the Troom

Article link: Milan Design Week 09 Preview: Erik Griffioen at Designersblock and the Troom

This article is about works by Erik Griffioen, a Dutch designer.

The chairs the article displays are really fantastic looking. I especially like the middle one in the picture I provided, because it looks like something that belongs in The Nightmare Before Christmas or something equally as crazy.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Cardboard "Tweenbots" depend on the kindness of strangers

Article link: Cardboard "Tweenbots" depend on the kindness of strangers

This article and video are about a robot whose only function is to go forward. On top of it's head is a flag that reads "Help me!" and it's goal: To get from the Northeast to the Southwest Corner of Washington Square Park. It relies on the kindness of strangers to get to its final destination.

I think this was a really heartwarming and cute story! The video was a little boring because it was just the robot and a couple people helping it out, but the story itself was really interesting.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The hierarchy of presentations

Article link: The hierarchy of presentations

This article is about presentations and advice on what kind of presentations are the best. I figured that since we do a lot of presentations in class, this would be a good, relevant article to read. The article has a list of Seth's "heirarchy" of presentations:

1. The best presentation is no presentation at all. If you can get by with a memo, send a memo. I can read it faster than you can present it and we'll both enjoy it more.
2. The second best presentation is one on one. No slides, no microphone. You look me in the eye and change my mind.
3. Third best? Live and fully interactive.
4. Powerpoint or Keynote, but with no bullets, just emotional pictures and stories.
5. And last best... well, if you really think you can change my mind by using tons of bullets and a droning presentation, I'm skeptical.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Harvey Nichols’ Pun-tastic Postcards

Article link: Harvey Nichols’ Pun-tastic Postcards

This article is about a bunch of postcards done for Harvey Nichols, by Ruan Milborrow and Mark Nightingale of agency Mr. H, which can only be described as "witty [...] celebrity postcards."

I love a good pun, even if they're extremely corny and lame, so these postcards made me laugh. I especially liked "Wayne Pruney" because it was just too cute!

JBL's Control design speaks to us

Article link: JBL's Control design speaks to us

This article is about a speaker design by Ashcraft Design. The article reads, that the entire speaker unit has a "a variety of configurations through its simple shape."

I think it looks amazing, and that it really lets the customer configure the speakers look to his or her preference, which everyone loves to do, because it makes you feel like an individual.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Everybody Dance Now

Article link: Everybody Dance Now

This article is about a book called Everybody Dance Now, which is "a portfolio of Martin Parr photographs celebrating the sheer joy of having a dance. From Durban to Blackpool the simple human pleasures of getting down. Sometimes I find Parr’s images to be a little condescending or patronising (not an original observation, I realise) but here they seem very much to be celebratory and not at all judgemental."

I think this is a great book. Not only would it be absolutely fun to look through, but it would be interesting to see pictures of fashion from the past.

President Obama--Forgive Student Debt.

Article link: President Obama--Forgive Student Debt.

This article is about how Bruce Nussbaum believes that President Obama should "relieve the burden on its youngest citizens who are being crushed by huge tuition costs and stupendous debt loads." He writes that "Yes, I realize that many Boomer parents are paying the tuition for Gen Yers, but it is amazing how responsible, if not guilty, their children feel about this burden. And for a huge percentage, borrowing is the only way they can get through school."

I completely agree. Of course, I'm a little biased, but the more my mom is getting stressed over my tuition, the more I get stressed because I feel guilty since I'm the cause of her stress. And I know I'm not the only one of my friends who feel this way.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Notebook. (Not Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams; Jack Dorsey of Twitter)

Article link: The Notebook. (Not Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams; Jack Dorsey of Twitter)

This article is about the beginning of Twitter, and how it started out on a Notebook. The article wrote, "'I hope it thrives,' wrote software architect Jack Dorsey on a Flickr page from 2006. The "it" he was referring to was a little service called Twitter. Up above, his original sketch for the interface."

I think that's so hilarious; Twitter is so famous, and he was worried about its success. I love success stories like that.

60 Bags Biodegrade in 60 Days

Article link: 60 Bags Biodegrade in 60 Days

This article is about a biodegradable bag called 60BAG that can last as long as you like, or decompose in approximately 2 months.

I think these are so perfect. They can last forever, but are also biodegradable? It's the perfect solution. I still find it amazing that people can come with solutions to problems I didn't even know existed.

How far away is your emergency?

Article link: How far away is your emergency?

In this article, Seth Godin talks about the current economic crisis. He writes:

Six years ago, I gave a mildly controversial talk to the newspaper publishers at an annual convention. I explained in detail why they were just a few years from bankruptcy and how they could use the momentum and assets they had to build up a hyperlocal internet presence and permission asset now, because it would be too late when the emergency hit. Of course, my talk wasn't an emergency, they had other priorities, and so the dire prediction comes true.

I find it interesting that Seth warned them of their actions, and how the consequences will be horrendous, but they just ignored him. I feel like I'm reading the plot to a movie where the protagonist is told he's being silly, but his predictions come true. Oh, the irony.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Think outside the box by living inside one

Article link: Think outside the box by living inside one

This article shows a picture of a building that was designed out of a shipping container. This building, designed by Fast Company, is liveable.

I personally think this is so cool. It looks really nice, and I was genuinely surprised when I read the article and it said it was made from a shipping container.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Colorado Home Is Ready for Its Owners’ Old Age

Article link: A Colorado Home Is Ready for Its Owners’ Old Age

This article is about a beautiful, modern home and its owner, Cynthia Leibrock., who is a designer, consultant and Harvard instructor. I think the article was just a small biography of Cynthia, or, at least, that's what I got out of it.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Step into my cardboard office…

Article link: Step into my cardboard office…

This article tells of a company called Nothing in Amsterdam, and their offices, which are entire made of cardboard.

I personally think this is fantastic! Not only can you draw on them (and it's okay, because you can just recycle it and get a new desk) but it's good for the environment, too! Also, when I was first reading about it, I was skeptical about it, but after looking at the pictures, I'm totally converted. I want a cardboard desk!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Facebook Privacy Flap--Gen Yers Demand Control.

Article link: Facebook Privacy Flap--Gen Yers Demand Control.

This article is about Generation Y, how they were outraged at the new Facebook rules, and how this is a good thing. Bruce Nussbaum writes, "It is important for social media—all media—to understand that people need to control access to their private information."

I guess I was late to the party, but I didn't get the memo about the new rules. However, I am glad that my generation is stick up for itself. I was also afraid that the majority of my generation "didn't believe in a No-Privacy rule and didn’t care who owned the numbers in their lives—or perhaps even more importantly, the images."

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Guest Presentation: Ian Wheeler

I thought Ian's presentation was very interesting and informative. The bands and the branding for those bands were especially intriguing, because that's something like what I would want to do in the future. I also thought it was amazing that his job actually encompasses many other jobs. He was required to manage a band, and sign other bands, and owning companies, which entailed discussing the buying and selling of those companies.

To me, that sounds like such a grown-up thing, something you'd expect from someone much older than he was. This fact made me a little scared of the future, but it also made me respect Ian that much more. That's amazing!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Buy This Book--The Blue Sweater by Jacqueline Novogratz.

Article link: Buy This Book--The Blue Sweater by Jacqueline Novogratz.

This article is about a book called The Blue Sweater: Bridging the Gap Between Rich and Poor in an Interconnected World by Jacqueline Novogratz, and it's about "a woman who left a career in international banking to spend her life on a quest to understand global poverty and find powerful new ways of tackling it."

I think it sounds like a great, inspiring book, and I definitely want to check it out.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Video for website

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Objectified Film Poster Designed by Build

Article link: Objectified Film Poster Designed by Build

This article is about aposter design from Build for an upcoming documentary callled Objectified. The article writes, "The poster features drawings of dozens of objects from designers in the film and more. I like how the word “objectified” is subtly placed within the contents of the objects. Clean, minimal and modern. I love it. Should be available in the shop soon."