Thursday, March 12, 2009

President Obama--Forgive Student Debt.

Article link: President Obama--Forgive Student Debt.

This article is about how Bruce Nussbaum believes that President Obama should "relieve the burden on its youngest citizens who are being crushed by huge tuition costs and stupendous debt loads." He writes that "Yes, I realize that many Boomer parents are paying the tuition for Gen Yers, but it is amazing how responsible, if not guilty, their children feel about this burden. And for a huge percentage, borrowing is the only way they can get through school."

I completely agree. Of course, I'm a little biased, but the more my mom is getting stressed over my tuition, the more I get stressed because I feel guilty since I'm the cause of her stress. And I know I'm not the only one of my friends who feel this way.

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