Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How far away is your emergency?

Article link: How far away is your emergency?

In this article, Seth Godin talks about the current economic crisis. He writes:

Six years ago, I gave a mildly controversial talk to the newspaper publishers at an annual convention. I explained in detail why they were just a few years from bankruptcy and how they could use the momentum and assets they had to build up a hyperlocal internet presence and permission asset now, because it would be too late when the emergency hit. Of course, my talk wasn't an emergency, they had other priorities, and so the dire prediction comes true.

I find it interesting that Seth warned them of their actions, and how the consequences will be horrendous, but they just ignored him. I feel like I'm reading the plot to a movie where the protagonist is told he's being silly, but his predictions come true. Oh, the irony.

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